Fertility Care -Your Journey Towards A Loving Parenthood

    We solve all your fertility care needs by providing a personalised & holistic fertility eco system

    Meet Our Clinical Director


    Years of Experience

    Dr. Sneha Shetty

    Dr. Sneha Shetty

    Clinical Director & Chief Fertility Specialist


    Senior Infertility Specialist
    Laparoscopic Surgeon

    Dr. Sneha Shetty has completed her Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery – MBBS From the esteemed S.D.M College of Medical Sciences & Hospital. She went on to complete her Post Graduation in Obstetrics & gynaecology from the prestigious Mahadevappa Rampure College of Medical Sciences and Hospital.

    Our Team

    Dr. Dr.  Akila Preeti

    Dr. Akila Preeti

    Consultant Reproductive Medicine Specialist
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    Dr. Dr. Prathik R

    Dr. Prathik R

    Male Fertility Specialist
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    Dr. Dr. Brijesh G C

    Dr. Brijesh G C

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    Dr. Dr. Rakesh Kumar G

    Dr. Rakesh Kumar G

    consultant physician
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    Dr. G Divya

    G Divya

    Senior Dietician
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    Dr. Dr. Suman Choudhary

    Dr. Suman Choudhary

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    Our Services

    Fertility Treatment
    Advanced Fertility Treatments
    Other Genomic Testing
    Female Fertility Treatments
    Male Disorders
    Other Conditions
    What is OI-TI?
    Ovulation induction is a medical treatment used to help a woman to ovulate regularly. Timed intercourse refers to having sexual intercourse at a specific time during the menstrual cycle to increase the chances of pregnancy. The most likely day for a woman to ovulate is determined by blood tests and other scans performed at specific times during her cycle.
    In ovulation induction, medications are given to the woman to stimulate ovulation and increase the chances of conception. Timing intercourse during the time of ovulation can increase the chances of pregnancy as the egg is available for fertilization. This combination of ovulation induction and timed intercourse can be an effective fertility treatment for young patients with healthy eggs and sperms.
    Fertility Treatment
    What is OI-TI?
    Ovulation induction is a medical treatment used to help a woman to ovulate regularly. Timed intercourse refers to having sexual intercourse at a specific time during the menstrual cycle to increase the chances of pregnancy. The most likely day for a woman to ovulate is determined by blood tests and other scans performed at specific times during her cycle.In ovulation induction, medications are given to the woman to stimulate ovulation and increase the chances of conception. Timing intercourse during the time of ovulation can increase the chances of pregnancy as the egg is available for fertilization. This combination of ovulation induction and timed intercourse can be an effective fertility treatment for young patients with healthy eggs and sperms.
    What is IUI?
    An intrauterine sperm insemination (IUI) is a laboratory procedure in which the fast moving sperm is separated from the slower moving sperm and deposited at the ovulation time in the woman's womb. Artificial insemination uses husband's sperm (AIH).A woman with patent fallopian tubes can enhance her fertility through intrauterine insemination (IUI), the first step in fertility treatment.
    What is IVF?
    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology that begins by collecting a woman’s eggs and a man’s sperm and combining them together outside the woman’s body in a laboratory dish for fertilisation. In vitro is Latin for “in glass” and refers to the laboratory Petri dish in which the egg and sperm are combined. When the eggs are fertilised and become embryos, the physician determines which embryos to transfer to the woman.The treatment of IVF is deemed successful, if the embryo gets implanted in the uterus which results in a positive pregnancy. Any remaining embryos can be frozen and stored for future use or donated to other couples. In vitro fertilization can overcome most causes of male and female infertility.
    What is Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection?
    The sperm head must attach to the outside of the egg before the sperm can fertilize the egg. In order to fertilize the egg, the sperm must penetrate the outer layer of the egg (cytoplasm) to reach the inside.A variety of reasons can prevent sperm from penetrating the outer layer. The sperm may be unable to swim because the egg's outer layer is thick or hard to penetrate. In these cases, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) can be used along with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to fertilize the egg. ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into the egg's cytoplasm.
    Advanced Fertility Treatments
    What is ERA?
    ERA (endometrial receptivity array) is a diagnostic test used to determine whether the endometrium is ready to implant embryos.Endometrial biopsy is a relatively new procedure that involves biopsying a small sample of the lining of the uterus, the endometrium, for molecular analysis.In women with multiple failed in vitro fertilization (IVF) attempts or recurrent pregnancy loss, problems with the endometrial lining can cause infertility.A recurrent pregnancy loss or multiple miscarriages may warrant an ERA biopsy for women who have undergone IVF cycles with unsuccessful implantation. A recurrent pregnancy loss or multiple miscarriages may warrant an ERA biopsy for women who have undergone IVF cycles with unsuccessful implantation.
    What is Preimplantation genetic testing?
    Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) during in vitro fertilisation (IVF) screens embryos for a variety of genetic issues that can cause implantation failure, miscarriage, and birth abnormalities in a child.Birth abnormalities or pregnancy loss can result from a variety of genetic illnesses, such as extra chromosomes in the embryo (like Down syndrome), single gene diseases (like sickle cell anaemia), or gene rearrangements.Using PGT, embryologists can identify genetic flaws in an embryo prior to IVF, preventing those embryos from being implanted into the woman's uterus.
    Blastocyst Culture
    What is Blastocyst Culture?
    Blastocyst culture is a procedure used in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) to culture an embryo until it reaches the blastocyst stage of development, usually around day 5 or 6 after fertilization. This allows for a more advanced assessment of the embryo's viability and selection of the best embryos for transfer, increasing the chance of successful implantation and pregnancy. The culture medium used provides a more supportive environment for the embryo than traditional two-day culture methods, helping to mimic the natural environment of the uterus.
    Other Genomic Testing
    How Does PGT-SR Work?
    PGT-SR involves testing embryos (for chromosomal structural rearrangement ) created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and then transferring only normal embryos. You may consider PGT-SR for chromosome rearrangements if you had a child or pregnancy with a chromosome rearrangement or if you or your partner are a carrier of : Inversion / Reciprocal translocation / Robertsonian translocation.
    What are the Benefits of PGT-M?
    PGT-M can help couples who are at risk of passing on a monogenic or single gene disorder to their child to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. This type of genetic testing can also provide peace of mind for couples who are looking to start a family.
    What is Preimplantation Genetic Sreening??
    Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGT-A) is a test that examines chromosomal material of an in vitro fertilized (IVF) embryos before implantation. It involves removing one or more cells from an IVF embryo to test for numerical chromosomal abnormalities (aneuploidy). This screening method facilitates the selective implantation of embryos that have a normal number of chromosomes (Euploid Embryos). Couples who can benefit from PGT-A are :1)Patients at any age who have repeated implantation failure or recurrent pregnancyloss while undergoing IVF.2)Women over 35 years old undergoing IVF.3) Couples with recurrent miscarriages.4) Positive history of chromosomal abnormalities in the family.5) Diagnosed carriers of chromosomal aberrations
    Chromosomal Karyotyping
    How Does Chromosomal Karyotyping Work?
    Chromosome analysis or karyotyping is a blood test that evaluates the number and structure of a person’s chromosomes in order to detect abnormalities, thus to help diagnose genetic diseases, birth defects etc. Some chromosomal disorders that may be detected include: Down’s syndrome , Edwards syndrome, Turner’s syndrome, klinefelters syndrome , patau syndrome etc
    Female Fertility Treatments
    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
    Who may develop PCOS?
    Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Symptoms of PCOS : Irregular menstrual periods, heavy periods, excess hair, acne, pelvic pain, difficulty getting pregnant, patches of thick, darker, velvety skin. Complications : Type 2 diabetes, infertility, obesity, obstructive sleep apnea, heart disease, mood disorders etc
    Recurrent Miscarriage
    What is Recurrent Miscarriage?
    Many women have a miscarriage at one time or another. Miscarriages can happen for many reasons. Having a miscarriage doesn’t mean a woman will have another miscarriage if she tries again. But some women suffer more than one miscarriage. This is called recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Women and families often grieve these losses deeply. Women may also worry that they are sick or did something to cause the losses. Pregnancy loss is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks of gestation. The loss of a pregnancy after 24 weeks gestation is called a stillbirth. A diagnosis of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss or RPL could be considered after the loss of two or more pregnancies. This includes pregnancies after spontaneous conception and after assisted reproduction (e.g. IUI and IVF/ICSI). Ectopic pregnancies and molar pregnancies are not included. There are various causes for recurrent miscarriage, and some can be treated. Most couples with RPL have a higher chance of a live birth in their next pregnancy than of having another pregnancy loss, but that does vary depending on maternal age and the number of pregnancy losses and on whether a likely cause has been found.
    Ectopic Pregnancy
    What is Ectopic Pregnancy?
    An ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition in which a fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. This can cause the pregnancy to grow in the wrong location and can be life-threatening if left untreated.
    Ovulation Problems
    What Causes Ovulation Problems?
    There are many factors that can contribute to ovulation problems, including hormonal imbalances, thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and age-related factors. Certain lifestyle factors, such as stress, weight fluctuations, and certain medications, can also impact ovulation.
    Male Disorders
    What Causes Varicoceles?
    A varicocele is an enlargement of the veins within the scrotum of the male testis. These veins are called the pampiniform plexus. A varicocele can result in decreased sperm production and quality, which in some cases can lead to infertility. You may have no symptoms associated with a varicocele or you might experience - a lump in one of your testicles swelling in your scrotum visibly enlarged or twisted veins in your scrotum (which are often described as looking like a bag of worms ) or a dull, recurring pain in your scrotum etc. Once the varicocele is diagnosed, your doctor will classify it with one of three clinical grades. Grade 1 is the smallest, and grade 3 is the largest. It’s not always necessary to treat a varicocele - please consult our experts to know more
    what is Azoospermia?
    Azoospermia means there’s no sperm in a man’s ejaculate. Its causes include a blockage along the reproductive tract, hormonal problems, ejaculation problems or issues with testicular structure or function. Many causes are treatable and fertility can be restored. For other causes it may be possible to retrieve live sperm to be used in assisted reproductive techniques.
    Retrograde Ejaculation
    What Causes Retrograde Ejaculation?
    Retrograde ejaculation occurs when semen enters the bladder instead of emerging through the penis during orgasm. Although you still reach a sexual climax, you might ejaculate very little or no semen. This is sometimes called a dry orgasm. Retrograde ejaculation isn't harmful, but it can cause male infertility.
    Ejaculation Problems
    What Causes Ejaculation Problems?
    Ejaculation problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including nerve damage, spinal cord injuries, certain medications, and surgery to the prostate, bladder or urethra. Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression can also contribute to ejaculation problems.
    Other Conditions
    Thyroid Disorders
    What is Thyroid Disorders?
    Thyroid disorders are a common condition that affects the thyroid gland, a small butterfly-shaped gland in the neck. This gland plays an essential role in regulating the body's metabolism, which affects the heart rate, body temperature, and weight. The two most common thyroid disorders are hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
    Genetic Disorders
    What Causes Genetic Disorders?
    Genetic Disorders can be caused by changes or mutations in a single gene, multiple genes, or changes in chromosome structure or number. These mutations can be inherited from a parent or occur spontaneously.
    Hormone Level Imbalance
    What is Hormone Level Imbalance?
    Hormone level imbalance is a common condition in which the levels of hormones in the body are not in their normal range. Hormones play a crucial role in regulating various bodily processes and imbalanced levels can result in various symptoms and health conditions. Hormone level imbalances can occur due to a variety of reasons including aging, lifestyle factors, and medical conditions.
    Auto Immune Disease
    Symptoms and Diagnosis of Auto-immune Diseases
    The symptoms of auto-immune diseases vary depending on the type of disease, but common symptoms include fatigue, joint pain and swelling, skin rashes, and fever. Some auto-immune diseases may also cause internal organ damage and affect the central nervous system.Diagnosis of auto-immune diseases is often challenging and may involve a combination of physical exams, blood tests, and imaging studies.

    Benefits With Vriksh

    Qualified Doctors

    Good treatment begins with the right diagnosis and the expertise of the doctor. At Vriksh Fertility you are assured to find both.

    Individualized Approach

    Fertility Treatment is an extremely personal journey - Finding the right centre & doctor who understands your need is of utmost importance and key to the success of the treatment.

    Advanced Protocols

    Fertility treatments proceed through well established protocols that are continuously updated - At Vriksh Fertility - the latest protocols are followed to ensure the best possible outcome.

    International Standards

    The embryology lab is where all the magic happens & at Vriksh Fertility all equipment and processes are procured and maintained keeping to international standards.

    Why Choose Us?

    Great Reasons For Couples To Choose Vriksh Fertility
    Fertility Treatment results are based on many factors and one of them is the quality of drugs used and the quality of diagnosis - Vriksh Assures the best in Quality Drugs/ Medications & Services to ensure the best chances for the right results.
    Through complete transparency the couples are knowledgeable about the treatment they are undergoing - Vriksh ensures that all patients are kept abreast of each step that is prescribed by the doctor.
    Affordable Pricing
    With convenient pricing models and flexible payment options we will certainly be able to provide you the value for your money
    Personalized Solutions
    Vriksh Fertility is focused on individualised and personal care to ensure the couples get the maximum benefit while undergoing Fertility treatments here.


    What Our Client Say About Vriksh
    I had an amazing experience at this fertility center. The doctors and nurses were professional and compassionate. They made me feel at ease throughout the entire process, and were always available to answer any questions I had. Thanks to their expertise, I am now pregnant and expecting my first child. I would recommend Vriksh Fertility to anyone who is struggling with fertility issues.
    Jessica , 30
    Graphic Designer
    I cannot express how grateful I am for the care I received at Vriksh fertility . From the very first consultation to the successful outcome of my IVF treatment, the entire team was supportive and caring. They made me feel like I was part of a family, and they were there for me every step of the way. I would highly recommend this clinic to anyone looking for fertility treatment.
    Monika , 28
    I had an amazing experience at this fertility center. The doctors and nurses were professional and compassionate. They made me feel at ease throughout the entire process, and were always available to answer any questions I had. Thanks to their expertise, I am now pregnant and expecting my first child. I would recommend Vriksh Fertility to anyone who is struggling with fertility issues.
    Jessica , 30
    Graphic Designer

    Understanding Spotting, Cramping, and Pain After an Embryo Transfer in IVF
    March 16th, 2025
    The experience of an IVF cycle may be full of anticipation, excitement, and also anxiety at times. One of the most common anxieties after an embryo tr ...
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    Fertility After 40: Understanding IVF Success and Optimizing Your Chances
    March 11th, 2025
    Fertility decreases with age, making conception more challenging for women over 40. This is due to a decline in both egg quantity and quality. However ...
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    Flying and Travel Do's and Don'ts During Fertility Treatments
    January 30th, 2025
    Traveling while on fertility treatments requires careful planning. Sometimes travel is unavoidable, whether it's for a formal business meeting, a fami ...
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    Vriksh has garnered attention from multiple sources for its impressive achievements and a well-rounded strategy in addressing infertility issues.
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