
    Blastocyst Culture Treatments in HSR Layout, Bangalore

    BLASTOCYST is the final stage of the embryo's development before it rupture’s the zona pellucida( shell around the embryo) and embeds itself in the uterine wall.

    In an IVF procedure , after fertilization between the eggs and sperms -the resulting embryos are usually cultured in the laboratory for 3 days. Using recent advances, the embryos can be cultured up to 5-6days to reach the stage of BLASTOCYST, which when transferred into the womens uterus give higher pregnancy rates.

    Why Is It Performed?

    1. Transferring the blastocyst to the uterus may be more medically suitable because it closely mimics nature, increasing the likelihood that the embryo will implant.

    2. Furthermore, waiting until the blastocyst stage allows the expert to select the best embryo because bad embryos are likely to get arrested before reaching the stage of blastocyst.

    3. Fundamentally, the likelihood of potentially hazardous twin or triplet birth is reduced by blastocyst transfer. Higher implantation rates allow doctors to exchange fewer blastocysts, possibly just one, reducing or avoiding multiple births and the problems they bring.

    4. Additionally, since the expert is only exchanging 1–2 blastocysts, you can freeze the extra blastocysts, giving you the chance to complete multiple cycles in the future. In light of the fact that the overall pregnancy rate is increasing, this makes it more useful.

    5. Older women with fewer eggs are more likely to experience a failed IVF because their embryos are more likely to halt and not develop into blastocysts. Many of the embryos can be genetically abnormal.These are the patients who might benefit most greatly from a blastocyst transfer.

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