ERA Treatments in HSR Layout, Bangalore
Many women undergoing IVF are unable to get pregnant, even after transferring good quality embryos. Although a good quality embryo is an important starting point, it is also important to transfer the embryo into a uterus that is ready to receive the embryo.
The timing of embryo transfer must be coordinate with your body´s menstrual cycle, neither too early nor too late, but at just the right time. For most women, the best time to transfer an embryo it´s the same, but for some women, it can be different.
What is the endometrium?
The interior of the uterus is lined with a tissue called endometrium, which is prepared each month for the arrival of an embryo and it’s the nest where the embryo implants and resides during gestation. Even the best embryo will fail to implant if conditions aren’t right.
What is Endometrial receptivity?
The endometrium is receptive when it is ready for embryo implantation to occur. This period of receptivity is called the window of implantation.
Each woman has a unique window. Knowing your personal window of implantation, you can optimize your chances of pregnancy doing a personalized embryo transfer.
What is ERA test?
ERA is the first diagnostic test that determines each woman’s unique personalized embryo transfer timing,therefore synchronizing the embryo transfer with the individualized window of implantation.
Why use ERA?
1. When performing the embryo transfer in a personalized way, the chances of getting pregnant are increased after the assisted reproduction treatment.
2. 72.5% pregnancy rate using ERA in the IVF cycle in any patient.
3. Maximize your chances of pregnancy and don’t lose good embryos.
4. 7 in 10 women gave birth after 1 year.
5. A recent international randomized study proves that a personalized embryo transfer is superior to the classic frozen embryo transfer.
ERA Test Results
A receptive result shows that the window of implantation is located on the day of taking the sample. The recommendation is to proceed with embryo transfer under the same conditions as for biopsy.
A non-receptive result shows a displaced window of implantation. In this case, with the ERA computational predictor, we will estimate your window of implantation indicating when your personalized embryo transfer is optimal in 90% of the cases. A second biopsy will be needed in only 10% of cases.
FAQ's on ERA Treatment
It is typically recommended for women who have experienced miscarriage, recurrent pregnancy loss, or who have had previous IVF cycle failures to undergo ERA biopsy.
For first-time IVF patients, the ERA endometrial biopsy is not usually recommended as part of a female fertility evaluation. Women should always discuss their personal situation with their doctor.
To understand ERA testing, it can be helpful to review the female reproductive system. There are a number of variables involved in conception, making it a complex biological process.
The woman's ovaries must first release an egg. Ovulation refers to this process. The egg is only viable for 12-24 hours after it has been released. To fertilize the egg, the man's sperm must travel to the fallopian tubes, where it meets the egg.
In the second stage, the resulting embryo, which will be in the blastocyst stage of development, implants into the uterine lining. An embryo must be able to be implanted and nurtured by the uterine lining. During each monthly cycle, the "window of implantation" occurs when a woman's uterine lining is most receptive.
An ERA biopsy can be used to determine a woman's window of implantation by examining her uterine lining. Additionally, ERA can be used to determine if a woman's uterine lining contributes to recurrent IVF implantation failures and recurrent miscarriages.
The endometrial receptivity array procedure typically begins 1-12 months before a frozen embryo transfer. As with a frozen embryo transfer, the woman will begin taking hormones in advance of the procedure, including oestrogen and progesterone. On the day of the scheduled embryo transfer, when the implantation window is likely to occur, an endometrial biopsy is performed.
There is little discomfort associated with the biopsy, which is an outpatient procedure. The biopsy involves inserting a small instrument called a pipelle through the vagina. To obtain tissue for testing, the doctor will scratch the uterine lining with a pipelle. The procedure may cause cramping or light bleeding in some women.
A molecular analysis will be performed on the sample to determine the best time to attempt embryo implantation during a future IVF cycle. Three possible outcomes are possible.
Pre-receptive:- Embryo implantation is less likely because the lining is not yet ready to receive one.
Receptive:- Embryos are likely to implant in the lining when it is ready.
Post-receptive:- Despite reaching the optimal stage for embryo implantation, the lining is no longer in that stage. At this point, the embryo is less likely to implant.
Doctors will adjust the scheduled embryo transfer if the sample results are pre- or post-receptive